From researchers to researchers
Spinsplit was founded by a team of enthusiastic researchers and engineers as a university spin-off of BME, the leading technical university in Hungary. Being familiar with the major challenges of nanofiber technology, our team aimed to develop a solution to address them. We believe that our digital electrospinning products make nanofiber experiments easier to track, control and reproduce, and help researchers to spend less time with experimenting and more with actual science.
Our products are designed by researchers – for researchers. Bearing in mind this philosophy, our team takes active role in nanofiber research projects, and keeping us always opened for stunning new ideas from our customers.
Research grants
2021-1.1.4-GYORSÍTÓSÁV – Új technológiai berendezés létrehozása nanoszál alapú gyógyszerkészítmények fejlesztéséhez a Spinsplit Kft-nél
Flow Chemistry modules for predicitive maintenance for Pharma 4.0 applications – CPS4EU (H2020) – SCALABLE CPS-BASED FLOW CHEMISTRY MODULES
General Experiment in DigiFED (H2020) – Digitalized LED application design workflow
FermiCloud – CLOUDIFACTURING (H2020) – Fermentation Production Optimisation Using Cloud Manufacturing Techniques CloudiFacturing
SPRAYCUBE – DIHWORLD (H2020) – Manufacturing framework for new generation solar panels