Setting up the spincube chamber

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Setting up the spincube chamber

  1. To set up the spincube chamber go to Settings in the Menu bar (1).
  2. Select spincube from Your systems and choose spincube chamber from the module list (2).
  3. If you are continuing your work with spinstudio project you can load previous settings by using Continue with the latest settings button. If you want to insert new settings, choose Initialize settings (3).

As the last step configure how the Dashboard control should look like and set the chamber specific controls (4):

  • Emitter-collector distance – define the manually adjusted distance between the emitter and collector inside the chamber.
  • Show humidity – show humidity sensor readings on the Dashboard.
  • Show temperature – show temperature sensor readings on the Dashboard.
  • Show HydroDrive pressure – show pressure readings on the Dashboard.
  • Turn on ventilation – turn on the ventilation inside the chamber.
  • Turn on laser – turn on the laser in the chamber.


To restore default values to all configuration controls, use the Reset button.

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