Create a New Project from Template

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Create a New Project from Template

In this phase, a new project from ‘Oriented Fiber Deposition’ template is created in Spinstudio.

Note: for notations like ‘B4’ please refer overview of spinstudio interface.

  1. Open Spinstudio software.
  2. Select “Oriented fiber deposition” on Home Screen (2A) from the templates (B4). When prompted, create or select a folder (2B) to store your project files. Otherwise Spinstudio will use the folder previously created.
  3. Name the project or continue with the default name offered by Spinstudio.
    Note: The default name of the projects are based on ‘template_YYMMDD_hhmmss’ format.
  4. Connect each modules (3A):  Camera, Electrospinning Chamber, High Voltage Supply and Precursor Pump, then click on ‘Generate project’ (3B).
  5. Wait until Spinstudio establish the connection with the instrument.
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